Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Last week I went to Normandy with some Benelux journalists for the presentation of the PC game Commandos 3 > WOW! The game looked great and the entire concept of the press trip was very nice. Everything was setup in the Chateau de Audrieu (www.chateaudaudrieu.com) and at our arrival on Wednesday the music, papers and calendars were all adapted as if it were the 5th of June 1944, the day before the assault by the allied troops in order to free Europe. Next morning (virtually 6th of June 1944) we heard the BBC news on the radio, had the game presentation and in the afternoon we went to see the beaches were the heavy fighting took place in 1944 > it was all quite impressive.
Oh yeah and before I forget > the food in Chateau de Audrieu was so good, I would have expatriated myself gastronomically if I could ;-) no wonder the Germans invaded France ;-)

check: http://www.eidosinteractive.co.uk/games/info.html?gmid=135